
Image result for baba nam kevalam

Above: Bábá Nám Kevalam kiirtan in Germany – pure, spiritual bliss…

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Above: Bábá Nám Kevalam kiirtan is a powerful practice capable of taking the practitioner into a heightened state of spiritual bliss. The group above are performing “Akhanda kiirtan” which is the chanting and dancing of Bábá Nám Kevalam for at least 3 hours while moving in an anti-clockwise direction. In the last few minutes of the kiirtan the anticlockwise movement stops and people face towards the centre. In the big festivals the kiirtan goes on uninterrupted for days!

In the kiirtan dance the arms are held up – which in itself has an uplifting effect on the mind – while the feet step side to side tapping the tip of the big toes (which, via meridian lines, stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands in the brain the hormonal affect of which elevates the mind.

Modern researchers also claim that when a part of the body crosses over into the opposite part of the body this has a synchronising effect on the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

When the arms get tired they are held in the namaskar position at the heart centre. The best way to understand the power of kiirtan is by doing it.

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