Life is not what we think it is…

Occasionally we catch a deeper glimpse of what life is really about. It may be something we read, or hear, or simply a thought that seems to come from a deeper, wiser part of ourselves. I had such a moment an hour ago. It left me realising how easily I can slip back into a... Continue Reading →

Thoughts of P.R. Sarkar

People are heading towards Parama Puruśa (The Supreme Consciousness) through their devotion. The microcosmic point is heading towards the nuclear point of Parama Puruśa. The closer it comes, the more it realizes the proximity of the Macrocosmic nucleus and the more the nature of the point changes. The closer a drop of water moves towards... Continue Reading →

Dealing with grief and loss…

Below is a reply to a person who, several years earlier, had lost her only son and then her husband within one year of each other... I have attempted to give a spiritual perspective of dealing with grief caused by the loss of a loved one. In broader terms, the ideas will be relevant to... Continue Reading →

Spirituality is love for the Supreme

Spirituality is love for the Supreme Being. The Supreme Being is not far away in some distant heaven. The Supreme Being - the Supreme Loving Consciousness - is within everything as its fundamental essence. As such the Supreme is within us and with us - closer than the closest, nearer than the nearest, dearer than... Continue Reading →

Nityam Shuddham mantra explained

Nityaḿ Shuddhaḿ 15 October 1978, Patna There is a shloka of Tantra, Nityaḿ shuddhaḿ nirábhásaḿ nirákáraḿ niraiṋjanam; Nityabodhaḿ cidánandaḿ Gurubrahma namámyaham. Nityam means “unchangeable”, that which is permanent, which does not undergo any change. That which is nitya is also known as deva [divinity, god]. Deva is the expression of Paramátman [the Supreme Soul] which... Continue Reading →

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