Nityam Shuddham mantra explained

Nityaḿ Shuddhaḿ 15 October 1978, Patna There is a shloka of Tantra, Nityaḿ shuddhaḿ nirábhásaḿ nirákáraḿ niraiṋjanam; Nityabodhaḿ cidánandaḿ Gurubrahma namámyaham. Nityam means “unchangeable”, that which is permanent, which does not undergo any change. That which is nitya is also known as deva [divinity, god]. Deva is the expression of Paramátman [the Supreme Soul] which... Continue Reading →

P.R. Sarkar’s R.U. Speech, 1990, “Mind Grows in Magnitude”

MIND GROWS IN MAGNITUDE YouTube link for audio reading: Amongst the different faculties of this globe in the physico-psycho-spiritual realms, mental faculties are of maximum importance. These faculties may be categorized into four main groups or offshoots. The first mental faculty is that the mind thinks, the mind discovers and invents newer modes of... Continue Reading →

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