How to meditate

med sitting

Here’s a simple method of meditation using a mantra. A mantra is a word or words that have a sound vibration that has an elevating effect on the mind.

In Yoga, mantras are from Sanskrit language (a language literally invented by yogiis). Spiritual mantras always have both a positive vibrational power and an expansive, beautiful meaning. Here is one maha-mantra (great mantra) that you can use for meditation:

bnkThere are other translations of Bábá Nám Kevalam, however, I find this to be the best for new meditators.

 Bábá Nám Kevalam mantra can be used in two ways:

1. for meditation:

  • sit comfortably with crossed legs; if that is difficult sit on a cushion or if necessary sit in a chair.
  • keep back straight and keep chin parallel to ground (not leaning forward)
  • hold the hands together on the lap with interlaced fingersmeditation hands
  • breathe through the nose (it’s best to clear the nose well before starting)
  • close the eyes
  • feel the meaning of the mantra: that Infinite loving consciousness is the essence of everything – is everywhere, within everything, is within you, within your body, your mind, your thoughts
  • begin to mentally repeat Bábá Nám Kevalam in your mind remembering it’s meaning, feeling its meaning. Continue the mental repetition of the mantra for the period of your meditation.
  • When distracting thoughts arise as soon as you realise, gently return to the mantra.
  • Meditate 20 minutes, twice a day (usually early morning and evening before meals). Later you can increase how long you meditate. (If 20 minutes is difficult for you, start with less and gradually do a little more).
  • Regularity is the key to success – make a strong determination to meditate twice a day. If you’re extremely busy do shorter, but, ideally, don’t miss it!

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If a person sincerely does this practice for 20 minutes, twice a day over a period of some months tremendous spiritual progress will be made. One can also contact an Ánanda Márga acharya for personal instruction – called “initiation” – and receive a personal mantra and a more advanced technique. This instruction is also free.

TIP: It’s highly advantageous to refresh the body with “half-bath” before doing meditation. Click here to learn how.


2. The second way to use Bábá Nám Kevalam mantra is to chant or sing it. When a spiritual mantra is chanted it is called kiirtan. Chanting Ba’ba’ Na’m Kevalam mantra can have a powerful elevating effect on the mind if  one can enter the inner meaning of the mantra. In Ananda Marga, meditators regularly chant Bábá Nám Kevalam together in collective meditations known as Dharma Cakra (pronounced Chakra).

It is highly beneficial to do kiirtan – chant Bábá Nám Kevalam – before meditation. See Chanting in the menu for examples of kiirtan.

Image result for marga kiirtan

Blissing out with Bábá Nám Kevalam

Image result for marga kiirtan

See the Chanting section of this website for more information about kiirtan and for a selection of recordings. Go to youtube and type Baba Nam Kevalam for more recordings.

Dada Jii

Here is a guided meditation using Baba Nam Kevalam mantra:

bnk 2

The mantra Baba Nam Kevalam can be used for meditation. It means:

Baba: Infinite loving Consciousness; Nam: is the essence; Kevalam: of everything. You can sing the mantra (listen to recordings on youtube), then sit comfortably with eyes closed and repeat “Baba Nam Kevalam” silently in the mind while remembering it’s meaning. 15 minutes of this twice a day will have tremendous benefits.

While repeating the mantra remember, feel or experience the meaning of the mantra. It’s important to connect the meaning of the mantra to the mantra while repeating it. The essence of the meaning of Baba Nam Kevalam mantra is Infinite loving consciousness. So, you’re bringing this feeling into your meditation. Remember, part of the power of mantra rests on the truth that:

As the mind thinks, so it becomes

Not only are you thinking about Infinite loving consciousness (which is nothing but the Supreme Being), you are thinking about That with great concentration.

What to do when distracting thoughts enter the mind during meditation? This is normal, don’t worry! However, don’t indulge the distractions. What does this mean? It means, as soon as you’re aware that you’ve drifted into some random distracting thoughts stop thinking about those thoughts and choose to redirect your attention back to the mantra. Re-focus on the mantra, begin the mental repetition again feeling its meaning. After a while, another distracting thought will capture your mind. Again, redirect your attention away from the thoughts to the mantra remembering its meaning.

What to do if you get sore knees or a sore back or neck? My advice is to gently change position to relieve the physical pain. If you change position, keep the eyes closed and maintain the mental repetition of the mantra while you change position. Of course, keep in mind that ideally we want to minimise any movement during meditation in order to deepen our concentration.

Dada Jii, Tirana, Albania, 18.12.17

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