Stress & karma: a few thoughts…

Hi friends! Yes, a few thoughts on stress... it is well accepted that yoga practices help free a person from stress. Stress, I would say, is a natural part of living life and the more one lives life the more stress one has to confront. What changes, of course, through yogic practice is how we... Continue Reading →

Meditation: breaking out of the matrix…

Hi All, meditation is a process, it's also a lifestyle with profound consequences for how one experiences reality... Should we be interested in reality today? Absolutely! I believe that reality is not quite as straight forward as it seems! In fact, in my blog yesterday i used the word "control" - that throughout human history... Continue Reading →


As i sat for yoga asanas (exercises) i caught a mental vibration within me - it wanted to say... thanks. Thanks to those past and present mystics and moralists who gave themselves to the great task of helping human beings move beyond the maya - the illusion that there is only this phenomenal world -... Continue Reading →

I’m breaking fast & feel great!

My 24 hour fast just ended and I feel great. As I write, I'm drinking “lemon water” - a special, simple drink made from the juice of one lemon mixed with about a teaspoon of salt and dissolved into about a litre and a half of water (warm water is best if available). The combination... Continue Reading →

Fasting will help Save the World!

Continuing on from the positive effect of fasting on the process of "self-purification"... As each of us individually move forward on this path of "self-purification" - our body and minds becoming more and more subtle, and able to hold the subtle spiritual vibrations - this definitely affects things around us! Absolutely! We become beacons of... Continue Reading →

Connecting with the zeitgeist…

Hi All, i feel to share my experiences concerning balancing the internal journey with the external world. Tantra yoga can be expressed as "Self realisation and Service to the world". That means it is both internal - or subjective - but also service-oriented - in it's external expression. Maybe in the ancient past it was... Continue Reading →

Awestruck at natures beauty…

Today i've been in the English seaside town of Brighton. I arrived a few days ago to meet with members of our tantra yoga group. We spent time chanting, meditating, discussing some spiritual readings, sharing great vegetarian food, and generally enjoying being together. Yes, just being together with inspired and positive minded friends is such... Continue Reading →

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