Half Bath – Vya’pak Shaoca – “thorough cleanliness”


Image result for splashing water in eyes

Vyápaka shaoca (“thorough cleanliness”) or “half bath” is done prior to meditation, yoga postures (a’sanas), eating and sleeping. Use cold water, or in very cold weather, luke warm water can be used.

  1. If needed empty bowels and bladder; clean the urinary organ with water. Wash hands with soap.
  2. Wash hands up to elbows (no soap needed)
  3. Blow nose to clear any mucous; ensure nasal passage is clear
  4. Hold water in mouth then splash water in the eyes at least 12 times; spit out water
  5. Flush nostrils with water ( na’sa’pa’na’) but only if your stomach is empty: cup water in right hand and pour it into the nose to flow into the mouth; spit out; repeat at least 3 times
  6. Wash ears and neck: wet hands, place at back of neck and behind ears
  7. Clean from the knees down to the feet with running water or with wet hands




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