Jesus the Yogi

Hiya All! I found the above photo on the internet... i like it very much... it was deeply moving for me... To me, it liberates Jesus from the "Churchianity" that followed in his name. This is much closer to the Jesus that I believe walked the earth. Jesus, the Yogii, Jesus the Revolutionary, Jesus the... Continue Reading →

Avidya: the Crudifying force in the Universe…

Hi everyone! Below is an interesting extract from a short discourse about the "force of ignorance" that, according to Yoga, is present in the Creation. I mentioned in an early post about the two forces at work in the creation: Vidya - the positive, elevating force, or force of knowledge, and Avidya, it's opposite -... Continue Reading →

Love for All is Neo-humanism

Neohumanism: “The universe is mine, all living beings are mine. I am to serve them, I am to help them. If I don't serve them, if I don't help them, who else will help them? I am here to serve them!”  

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